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17th Nov. 2013. Deepam.


An Elder and Nameless Siddha in Woodpecker’s dream.


On Deepam night Traveler had maybe only two hours of sleep. It was an exhausting night. His fractured collar bone was very sore and it was hindering him as he tried drifting off to sleep. Pilgrims on Chengam Road going on girivalam were noisy, since Indians, particularly Tamils, feel obligated to talk and talk loudly. When a couple of thousand people talk two hundred meters from the house and this is combined with loud music and the shouting of petty seller advertising their wares, together with the sounds of Sanskrit chants at full volume from three ashrams surrounding his house , it is a real ‘treat’. So he was rolling, hissing and mentally repeating his mantra. When he finally entered the dream state an Old Aborigine came from the mist, smiled and said: 'Have you forgotten that this kind of injury can be healed overnight? You were a member of Real People tribe. Shift yourself mentally to those times and use your skills. All you learned still is in you. Tomorrow, when you wake up there should be not a trace of injury,’ and he faded away. From the mist then came Nameless Siddha who said: ‘Thombi, worn others! Earth is becoming deeper and deeper immersed in ignorance of Kali Yuga. The ancient tradition of gurukulas has become eroded resulting in commercialized ashrams. Gurus attract seekers on invalid promises, having other benefits in mind than freeing them from Maha Maya illusion. Seekers should not trust their declarations; do not trust even what I say, although I am not a guru, without checking its validity. Everyone should trust only their own Inner Being, where the Truth is and always was unchanged, eternal and absolute and ignore revelations, beliefs and judgements of others. The point is that anyone can become self-realized, with whatever inborn "faults" they may have and because of this only another Free person can recognize him. Those, as a rule, do not build around themselves organizations, dress themselves in special clothes nor survey the planet to attract followers and collect money. They often look very ordinary, doing ordinary things. Do you remember the saying about a Zen Master? ‘Before realization he was chopping wood and carrying water and after realization continued to chop wood and carry water.’ It is exactly as it is. After self-realization personality and worldly entanglement do not change as self-realization has nothing to do with gaining sainthood. Many saints were saintly but not realized, living in a ‘dense’ duality unable to get rid of ideas of morality and proper behavior, pretending to be all knowing, just to impress others. Behaviour is a result of samskaras and has nothing to do with living in the Oneness. Just be yourself! No need to neither act nor pretend; no need to wear special clothes and hang rudraksha malas on one's body. It is no good to try be seen as you think you should be. You should be as you are! Truth! Be brave to live completely exposed! This means in your Natural State without bothering about ‘labels’ of faults and tendencies which are nothing; only ‘stage’ decorations of leela. Only the strongest are able to be voluntarily vulnerable. Be strong. Adopt “duck-y” attitude! Do not allow the ‘rain’ of others' beliefs and opinions to influence you. Be free of prejudices and independent in thinking, which you can, and should, combine with the abilities of sharp mental reasoning and undiluted consciousness. Do not trust gurus, do not trust teachers, trust only your Inner Voice. This one is not interested in your bank account, will not ask you to leave your family and work for his chit chat charity. Real gurus are not interested in social welfare but in leading sincere seekers of the Truth from the darkness of ignorance to the Light in Wisdom. Listen in the silence of daily meditation to the guiding whispers of your Inner Guru. With others who are called gurus is wise to follow Ramamurti Mishra advice: ‘When it comes to gurus, take the best and leave the rest.’ It is always, in any situation, in any person something of value to learn but to get entangled and become dependent is plainly stupid. Be wise, thombi, share with others, be well!’The next morning Traveler woke up tired, because of only a short sleep. Remembering clearly his dreams he touched his collar bone and… no pain, not even the slightest discomfort.


Thursday. February 17. 2014


‘The Birds Colony’ story was for a few weeks available for the Honorable/Respected (???–unfortunately not all) Readers. A few birds and even humans already read this ‘birdly’ story and commented wisely and sympathetically with appreciation for the insights presented in it, or otherwise, according to their individual intellectual capacity to understand its message, their moral standards to identify with some appealing characters or level of successfully completed cult programming.


A few readers assessed it as the tasteless ravings of a mad bird who is not only self-centered, narcissistic, a braggart, but also a stupid bastard, full of hate. Some, very intuited birds even came to the final conclusion after reading only the first ten pages, and entirely skipped the preface which explains a lot and is in fact a “must-read”, almost integral part of the story and, furthermore, decided that reading any further is a waste of their precious time but, nevertheless, found the time to inform the author about this wise choice. Woodpecker can only recommend they join one of many Birds Colonies and do so in a hurry to avoid wasting time as they may prove to be a perfect match. So, as time passes more and more unanswered questions are accumulating. After reading a few e-pigeon letters Woodpecker started to wonder: Why are mega-wealthy ‘spiritual’ elitists, leaders of cults and false incarnations of Birds’ Sun God so badly afraid of the truth spoken by independently thinking birds or people? Woodpecker assumed the role of a historian, and historians never have bad intentions - only want to tell the story = history.


Has the Truth in historical records ever harmed anyone, any bird? They, the ‘gurus’ all the time say loudly that they are teaching the Truth and Truth only and are interested only in liberation of their followers !!! So where is the Problem? Is there any problem at all? Does any bird know it? Maybe the problem is in not following and practicing one's own teachings? Difficult to say, as most of a teacher's private life is usually shrouded in a veil of strict secrecy and those who try lift this veil are vociferously declared as traitors and shameless liars. No bird also ever met a liberated follower. Maybe they are also hidden beyond some sort of veil, even maybe the same. No birds will ever know for sure what they are doing there! But what is the choice for us ordinary folk – small birds? Shall we speak the Truth in secrecy and only and exclusively in the presence of loyal, equally rebelliously-minded birds-friends as some ‘good’ followers of ‘gurus’ suggest, perhaps on the request of their mentors and masters, who are panicking on seeing unwanted and uncomfortable truth-revealing comments which are also demanding from their followers undesirable, dangerous and extremely difficult task of critical thinking available on the Internet for FREE - where now scarcely anything is free, even birds’ ‘spiritual’ initiations?


A few Birds say in e-pigeon letters to Woodpecker that the situations and attitudes described in BC are history and which, in many ways, was not so good but has passed; now everything in his BC and other colonies has evolved and improved. All colony members, including ‘gurus’, steadily becoming pure and saintly. Yes. As was already said Woodpecker writes about history. If, at the present time, every-bird becomes transformed into a saintly dove then that is fantastic and most welcome. If BC become birds' heaven on Earth where there is no corruption, no power games, no ‘monastic’ sex, no bullying and no one bird is lying but everyone concentrates only on real birds' spiritual practices, forgetting the collection of birds' currency and yellow metal, then it is an extraordinarily and far-fetched achievement and White Eagle will have proved his authenticity as an incarnation of God-Sun capable to transform bad birds to angelic saints. If it is really true then we can only expect that soon White Eagle will send emissaries to Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria to hire a few suicide bombers or assassins and to Predator Eagle Country government and Congress to fetch, on generous contract, a few notorious liars as in such pure situation no birds can advance spiritually as contrast is missing. Woodpecker only can suggest seriously considering taking more inmates, even if worst come to worst, dual citizens, associated with a small country, making a lot of loud noise, where not alive sea is located, and where false propaganda which justifies the bulling of the minority in this country or the majority in occupied territories is the norm and the abuse of neighbors' children is practiced as a national virtue. I, Woodpecker doubt that there is drastic transformation. I know from the past, and am sure that little has changed, that the last thing ‘saintly’ BC members want is to improve and change themselves but most rather prefer to cultivate the desire to grow in importance and power, some, mostly well fed Condors, also in size. My fully ‘realized’ (to whom it belongs) umbrella says the same. History !!! Real history !!! Why is it so terrifying a subject?!!! Was it not a similar state of affairs with Fascism, Communism and Maoism? History of true events was almost always suppressed and/or manipulated. Is it not the same with the pro-war propaganda of some governments who authorize the terror of remotely, randomly killing civilians by metal predator birds in virtual ‘war on terror’ to ‘liberate’ from terrorists, sponsored and armed by them, to force leadership change for more ‘cooperative’ and to introduce by force parasitic corporationistic subculture? Is anyone losing their foundation of convenient but well established false beliefs by reading a story about history? Are lies and sweet fairy-tales what most birds like to hear? Mental prisons are so familiar, feeling so homely – much better than birds cages humans invented!!! If so, then Woodpecker must say: Too bad.


Several comments are astonishingly brilliant. Some highly educated birds say, forgetting that they read a story - including authors' biography which is tailor made for a purpose, not a sworn statements, or a message intercepted and meticulously recorded by humans’ mega data spies – NSA, that Woodpecker was never accused in anyone's private correspondence of eating, like ‘guru’, fish and gossiping about prices of rice grains and they see it for the first time in the story. This confession forced Woodpecker to make the wording more clear in the story so that no more can have such doubts. But what do such doubts means? Perhaps Vitamine B-Complex capsules must be prescribed to boost some birds brain activity and enhance intelligence, and further practice of daily reading of Jean de La Fontaine fables is needed to induce the ability to imagine the unimaginable and grasp the meaning and source of the dialogs in stories!!! But the most surprising phenomenon is that most birds and humans concentrate in their correspondence and posts on condemning Woodpecker for writing down his dream (Is it now also forbidden in bird’s society to have bad dreams? Terrible !!! As far as I know each bird likes, from time to time, to have some self made dream-horror. And it is also free !!! No?) where comments were made by Birds Heaven Gate Keeper and related to a ‘bird’ guilty of extensively long complicity with Birds Colony and its Leader's mischief but now, fifteen years after a theatrical and seemingly not needed escape, elevated to sainthood and put on a pedestal as a heroine whistle-blower. And all this only after crying ‘Poor ME, not loved ME’ and admitting in her book that she is not even sure if all this really happened or is a projection of her mind? Does every bird need a hero, even sometimes a suspicious one, to follow? If so then most are not on their own Path and they did not make a mistake if they joined one of Birds Colonies. It looks like almost no one bird or human interested in birds affairs understands that, despite a deep sympathy for her ‘holiness’, which Tired Heron to a degree deserved as a bird badly hurt and mistreated, this statement makes her stupid, her sanity questionable and her claims, at least partly, doubtful. How, otherwise, should birds interpret her words?


Attention birds! Please think !!! What would people say if a business partner in crime of the famous gangster Al Capone deserted him after many years of working as his right hand in the way as requested, and then said that he thought it was OK to keep silent about his boss's sexual adventures with a monastic order of SF Virgins? Further, he kept quiet about the illegal cash and gold pouring in from the profitable business of evading prohibition to the Capone secret vault and distributed to his family and friends just because the orders came from said person and he did not want to spoil the Sicilian Family's ‘saintly’ image? Will he be also considered a hero-whistle-blower ? I rather expect that he would be arrested, prosecuted for being a part of the Mafioso’s scheme and send for an indefinite ‘vacation’ to Alcatraz, to join his ex-boss and meditate on his own stupidity. Should we birds not try to learn sometimes even from silly humans? Woodpecker expressed other complaints, not dream-related, about her conduct but this is more private as it relates to the trust between two birds which these days is hard to find. But in this case it was necessary to tell other birds just to illustrate our ‘heroine’s’ integrity and personality and its implications to her reputation because of her past actions or, rather, her lack of discrimination and, as a result of her lack of right actions caused prolonged stay in the Colony, pain and emotional harm to many birds including Woodpecker.


There was much more said in BC to think about! Was there not? Why are many birds not thinking of more significant issues and dwelling mostly on the lesser in importance, but rightful, slamming of the one bird who failed in Woodpeckers eyes….? Woodpecker is a rebel and will never adopt the view presented for humans by Orwell in his “Year 1984”: “war is peace” and “lies are truth” and always will take words and facts at their face value and openly tell other birds to watch out for deceit. Woodpecker was not made in a Birds Doll Factory and will always draw his own conclusions, and have his own point of view, even if he stays in a minority of one on entire Birds’ Earth. It is called a Birds’ Freedom of Choice and Birds’ Freedom of Expression and he claims it as his inborn right - expecting no bird to agree with him. But Woodpecker must also say that he is very embarrassed by the lack of understanding of messages in this story and by the generally uncomfortably low level of birds-readers comprehension and mostly immature comments. Is it a result of fluoridating water in ‘more advanced countries’, rapidly diminishing inborn capacities due to food additives or media and cults programming?


Among other remarks, like selling by White Eagle meditation technique, there was a final Woodpeckers’ comment/admonition, which somehow only one of the humans-ornithologists from Land-F noticed and commented on. Is was related to avoiding one of the most obvious and most difficult decision in birds and human life, that most of us must face sooner or later: choosing whether to quit if all aspects of our ‘reality’ look rotten and fishy, or feel opposite to what we love to believe in and start anew somewhere with someone else, but this time do it smarter, or to stay –with closed eyes on the obvious odds and try harder to make a square round? But Woodpecker suggested that it is better to assess things ‘before diving head down into the pond’ and never rely on what other birds say but on birds intuition, bare facts and then decide how to relate, eventually avoiding the necessity of making such drastic choices. But no more comments on this one. Do most birds still prefer to rely on other birds’ opinions? It looks like it. Any bird should remember the wisdom of flies mentioned at the beginning of story? “Eat poo….” What better word can there be for such birds who refuse to think for themselves and only follow others when, for brainless, programmed people is the commonly used word: 'sheeple’? It should be something related to parrots, I guess.


The linguistic contest is officially OPEN for entries !!! Experienced in weaponising, words linguists, employees/WE devotees from Predator Eagle country from three letter agencies gathering information on everything and anyone are also welcome. Woodpecker will announce the best suggestion and award the winner with a poem especially written for the occasion!

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